Summer Solstice 2021: Finding Stillness in Motion

Summer arrived in the Northern Hemisphere Sunday, June 20 at 8:31 PM, Pacific Daylight Time. 

We have seen an astonishing Covid-fueled drama unfold during our last cycle around the sun. There are indications, especially in many developed countries, that a return to normalcy is underway. Whether this is true or not or whether normalcy is desirable are both debatable.

But the fissures in our world seen so vividly with the eruption of Covid seem to be increasing on all levels and fronts. This might seem disheartening – and actually it IS – but seeing what is, is essential to moving through the chaos and conflict into a new, more just and sustainable world, something so many of us want and that we all deserve.

I know of no one who feels satisfied with the way our world is working; greed, avarice, and the fight for dominance have had the upper hand far too long and with dire consequences.  Staying connected to our deepest selves is more necessary than ever as we navigate these troubling times. No one has “the answer”; a truly new way requires our full participation - heart, body, mind and soul as we transform into a new way of living in this wondrous world – something we cannot possibly see from where we now are.  

If there is “an answer” it is not a what but a how, stemming from how we walk in the world, and whether we are aligned with our deepest values and to the imaginal realms that inspire us.

And this is where stillness in motion comes in.

To find and live from our center is to reside in the stillness at the eye of the storm. This is the place within that allows us to see and feel what is brewing around us, the stillness in motion that allows us to move through the chaos and conflict of life, while staying in relationship to our clear mind and open heart. And sometimes the most challenging journey lies within.

May the long-awaited light of the Northern Summer help us see our path forward.

Nota Lucas